iONstream 4.0
The intelligent electrostatic IONstream 4.0 discharge systems are the
most efficient, contactless way to electrostatically neutralize a substrate
surface in web or sheet form. The neutralizing product line from Gema
Switzerland GmbH represents the most advanced and easiest way of
effectively controlling electrostatic charge. The 18 kV version is suitable
for applications with distances greater than 600 mm, 12 kV version is
suitable for applications with distances up to 600 mm, and the 6 kV
version for distances up to 300 mm. All systems are designed for normal
speed applications up to 1000 m/min. For high speed applications, the
iONstream 4.0 with AUTO
® Technology is the most sophisticated
efficient discharging method. In iONstream 4.0, the sensor technology is
integrated in the electrode profile. The multi-function LED for the local
status display is located next to the bus connector. When connected to a
master display, all parameters are visualized on the display. The
neutralizing bars are available in lengths from 320 mm to 4500 mm. Wider
applications are realized by using additional bars.