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Currents with
ADC System
In this case the power is shown as follows:
Watts in relation to the rated load.
Currents with
APC System
In this case the power is shown as follows:
Effects (10 for each current) and PWR.
PWR = Max power deliverable for each effect.
When selecting a current suitable for the cut in flexible endoscopy, the screen also shows the MS keys (They
switch ON/OFF when users push them) that allow the following delivery:
Auto papillo pure cut.
Auto polipo blend cut.
All keys are OFF:
The first key is ON:
The second key is ON:
The third key is ON:
Continuos delivery.
Pulsed delivery (fast modulation).
Pulsed delivery (medium modulation).
Pulsed delivery (slow modulation).
Auto Endo cut.
All keys are OFF:
The first key is ON:
The second key is ON:
The third key is ON:
The delivery is 90% cut, 10% coagulation.
The delivery is 80% cut, 20% coagulation.
The delivery is 70% cut, 30% coagulation.
The delivery is 50% cut, 50% coagulation.
When selecting the currents Saline Uro
Gyn Cut and Saline Arthro Cut for the bipolar cut in saline, the screen
also shows the MS keys that switch ON/OFF by pushing them. These keys allow the setting of the delivery mode
as follows:
Keys OFF: By pushing the foot
switch, the current delivery is continuous.
C1 key ON: By pushing the foot
switch, the unit delivers only a single pulse of current.
CCS key ON: By pushing the foot
switch, the current delivery is continuous, but pulsed (Slow
CCF keyON: By pushing the foot
switch, the current delivery is continuous, but pulsed (Fast modulation).
Identification of a memory by a text
Before memorizing the setting of a program, do the following:
Push the type/exit key. The screen 1 appears:
In the screen 1.
Write the text (max 10 types).
When going over, the screen changes.
In the screen 2.
Push the indietro/back key to go back to the
previous screen.
In the screen 1.
Cancel the excessive types by the key.
Write again the text (max. 10 types)
Push the EXIT key.