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If surgeons press two pedals simultaneously, the self
check system of the unit blocks the power delivery
and it informs users by an acoustic alarms with and additional visual information (Error code
Simultaneous handle or pedal activation
). The unit allows the users the choice of four modes to use the
Use of the 34-9333 only to activate either the monopolar currents or the bipolar currents.
Use of the 34-9331 only to activate the bipolar currents only.
Use of both foot
switches (34-9333 and 34-9331) to activate monopolar and bipolar currents.
Use of the 34-9333 to activate both the monopolar currents for cut and the bipolar currents for
coagulation or vessel sealing.
Block of the foot selector of the 34-9333
To avoid mistakes of use, the foot selector can be easily blocked by a specific system. In this case the foot
selector can’t be used.
The foot
switches are not needed to activate the following bipolar currents:
AUTO SOFT MICRO BICOAG for coagulation and AUTO SEALING for vessel sealing. which are
provided with automatic “impedance sensing” start/stop.
The delivery starts, with a delay adjustable from 0,1 to 5 seconds in the section 2.6 AUTO BIP START
DELAY of the GENERAL MENU, when the tips/jaws of the instrument come in contact with bleeding
The delivery stops both when vessels are coagulated /sealed and if the surgeon opens the tips/jaws.
Use of the 34-9333 to activate either the monopolar or the bipolar currents
Connect the 34-9333 to the PEDAL
1 socket.
To deliver the monopolar currents push, for an instant, the foot selector. The unit signals the selection in
three ways: MONO word by digital speech, MONO 1 image ON for 2 seconds on the touch
screen. (1a
MONO light) of the PEDAL
1 socket ON. During the use, to activate the delivery push the pedals: Yellow
(monopolar cut), Blue (monopolar coagulation).
To deliver the bipolar currents push, for an instant, the foot selector. The unit signals the selection in
three ways: BIP word by digital speech, BIP 1 image ON for 2 seconds on the touch
screen. (1b
light) of the PEDAL
1 socket ON. During the use, to activate the delivery push the pedals: Yellow
(Bipolar Cut), Blue (Bipolar Coagulation or Vessel sealing).
The 34-9333 is also usable without the foot selector even if this mode is less easy.
Push the menu key to select the GENERAL MENU.
By the key of the activation pedal 1 selection select the image 1 MONO to deliver monopolar currents.
By the key of the activation pedal 1 selection select the image 1 BIP to deliver bipolar currents.
Use of the, 34-9331 and 34-9333, foot
switches to activate the monopolar currents and the bipolar
The unit, when connecting the 34-9333 and the 34-9331, sets this mode automatically.
Connect the 34-9333 to the PEDAL
1 socket and the 34-9331 to the PEDAL
2 socket. The 1a light of the
1 socket switches ON, the 2a light of the PEDAL
2 socket switches ON. Use the 34-9333 to
deliver the monopolar currents: Yellow (Cut), Blue (Coagulation). Use the 34-9331 to deliver the bipolar:
Yellow (Cut), Blue (Coagulation or Vessel sealing).
Use of the 34-9333 to activate the monopolar currents for cut and the bipolar currents for coagulation or
vessel sealing
This mode is useful if surgeons prefer, mainly for laparoscopic surgery, one twin foot
switch only to use
the monopolar currents for cut and the bipolar currents for coagulation or vessel sealing.
This mode does not allow the use of the foot selector of the foot
This mode does not allow the use of the 34-9331 foot
Connect the 34-9333 to the PEDAL
1 socket.
Push the menu key to select the GENERAL MENU.
By the key of the activation pedal 1 selection select the image MONO CUT / BIP COAG. The 1a light of
1 socket switches ON, the 2a light of the PEDAL
2 socket switches ON.
To activated the delivery push the pedals: Yellow (Monopolar Cut). Blue (Bipolar Coagulation or Vessel
The unit has 100 memories that allow the memorization of 99 programs including all the settings for a
specific surgical use.
The programs can be also identified by a text (Name of users or kind of use).