Lamp test
All the segments and LEDs
light up
Software revision
Low-level selection
Low-level selected from
low-level menu
Software number
Boot up display sequence (Each parameter is displayed for 2 seconds)
IMPORTANT! Read before starting
Turn off the breaker.
Make sure all accessories are linked to the bonding connector and connected
to pack.
A minimum flow rate of 18 GPM is required. Make sure that all valves are open in
the spa plumbing and that you have good water flow circulation from the primary
pump into the heater.
Turn on the breaker.
The values displayed by
the system correspond
to 08 of the maximum
amperage capacity of
the GFCI
Use the
to select the desired value
The value can typically be
modified from 10 to 48 A
Press the
to set breaker rating
This table shows typical
settings of b for different
GFCI ratings Select the one
that matches your breaker
60 A
48 A
50 A
40 A
40 A
32 A
30 A
24 A
20 A
16 A
Note: Every OEM has its own
preset configurations.
It's important to specify
the current rating of
the GFCI used to ensure
safe and efficient current
management (and reduce
nuisance GFCI trippings)
Press and hold the Prog
button until you access
the breaker setting menu
(programming menu will
appear first).
Note: if the keypad in use
does not have the Prog key,
use the Light key instead.
in.flo dry-fire protection
At power up, the inflo detector performs a flow check through the following process:
Pump 1 or circulation pump starts for 2 minutes The display will show "---" during the check flow process
After 2 minutes the system validates proper water flow
In case of failure, the system tries again The water temperature is shown on the keypad display Once the water has
reached the set point value plus 08˚F the heater is turned off
Chose the number of
phases supplying your spa
Use the
key to
chose the desired value
and press the Program or
light key to confirme the
selection You can choose
between 1, 2 or 3 phases
Number of phase selection
Menu not
1, 2 or 3
UL Swim*
1 or 2
CE Swim*
1, 2 or 3
* See Swim Spa manual
for details.
4 8
Power-up & breaker setting