WattStation Pedestal Installation Manual
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Grroouunnddiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
The EVSE must be connected to a centrally grounded system. The ground conductor entering the
EVSE must be connected to the equipment grounding lug inside the charger. This should be run with
circuit conductors and connected to the equipment grounding bar or lead on the EVSE. Connections
to the EVSE are the responsibility of the installer and purchaser, not GE and must comply with all
applicable electrical codes and ordinances.
Installation Instruction
Before Installing
Before any installation work is performed, study all drawings and instructions furnished by the
supplier for the particular installation.
These include arrangement drawings (front, end, and plan views), connections to the equipment that
may be required to meet any local codes (such as mats, screens, or railings) is not furnished.
Safety Requirements
Eye protection with appropriate safety glasses.
In the installation, be sure to not connect directly to power distribution network cables without
additional protection.
When installing or performing maintenance on EVSE, ensure EVSE is not powered.
Use appropriate tools for each function.
Installation Overview and Specifications
This document provides step-by-step instructions for installing the WattStation Pedestal EV
Charging Station.
Ensure that the EVSE is installed per Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible
Design guidelines, refer to code of federal regulations document 28 CFR Part 36, sections 4.2 (Space
Allowance and Reach Ranges) and 4.4 (Protruding Objects).
Make sure that the EVSE unit is installed in an area where it has adequate Verizon 3G coverage at the
user site when using the cellular option on the charger.
Shaded installations are recommended for areas subject to temperatures approaching 50C (122F)
and high solar radiation (7.5 kWh/m2/day). Direct exposure under these conditions could affect long
term life of the unit.