WattStation Pedestal Installation Manual
GEE EEnneerrggyy
©22001122 G
mppaannyy AAllll RRiigghhttss RReesseerrvveedd
SStteepp 1111:: Set the nut flush with the top
of the sleeve anchor
SStteepp 1122:: Insert the sleeve anchor through
the EVSE Baseplate into the hole in
the concrete base until the washer
and nut are tight against the baseplate
SStteepp 1133:: Turn the nut until finger tight
SStteepp 1144:: Fasten anchor bolts to concrete
base, Torque bolts per specification Table 1
SStteepp 1155:: Use a Wrench to set the sleeve
anchor by turning the nut 3 to 4 full turns
FFiigguurree –– 55
FFiigguurree -- 66