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Oven Door Assembly
The oven door can be separated into 2 assemblies.
The outer assembly consists of the outer panel,
reinforcement plate, and a replaceable door handle.
The inner assembly is made up of the inner panel,
inner glass assembly, retainers, heat barrier, door
gasket, and replaceable door hinge assemblies.
To remove the outer door assembly:
Remove the door. (See
Oven Door Removal
Place the door assembly, gasket side up, on a
protective surface.
Remove the four T-15 Torx screws from the
bottom of the outer door assembly.
Remove the four T-15 Torx screws (2 on each
side) from the outer door assembly.
The inner door assembly is heavier than the
outer door assembly.
Separate the inner door assembly from the
outer door assembly.
Remove the four ¼-in. hex-head screws that
hold the door handle and the reinforcement
plate to the outer door assembly.
To replace the inner door assembly:
Remove the outer door assembly. (See
remove the outer door assembly
Remove the four T-20 Torx screws (2 on each
side) that attach each door hinge to the inner
door. Carefully turn the door over and remove
both door hinges.
Remove the four ¼-in. hex-head screws that
attach the glass and side brackets (glass closest
to the outer door glass) to the inner door.
Continued next page