Section 19 - Appendix B–Filter Board Options PWA 79562-01 and PWA 105521-01
Verify that the bargraph for channel A reads 65% to 75% of full scale range, with
the following exceptions:
The bargraph reading will be lower if you have a High Pass Filter with a corner
frequency below 100 Hz and that channel is measuring velocity (Full Scale Range
options 05, 06, 15, 16, or 17, see
Section 8.2
Some typical bargraph readings for this configuration are given below.
Step 5a continued:
Step 5b continued:
For Full Scale Range options 01, 02,
03, 04, 11, 12, 13, 14
For Full Scale Range options 05, 06,
15, 16, 17
For example, if the Full Scale Range
option is 11, set the amplitude to 204
mVpk or 144 mVrms.
For example if the Full Scale Range
option is 06 and the corner frequency
is 53 Hz, calculate the amplitude like
Amplitude (mVpk) = (3.25 mVpk/Hz) X
(53 Hz)
= 172 mVpk
Amplitude (mVrms)= (2.30 mVrms/Hz)
X (53 Hz)
= 122 mVrms
If the result of this calculation is
greater than 3.5 Vpk or 2.47 Vrms
or if the signal level is too small to
accurately set on the function
generator, use the alternate
procedure in
Section 19.16
to finish
testing the filter options.
High Pass Filter
corner frequency
Bargraph reading
(% of full scale)
10 Hz
30 Hz
60 Hz
43% to 53%
61% to 71%
64% to 74%