Transmitters and sensors
With the exception of the air trap level sensors, all sensors are disposable and deliv-
ered separately as part of the flow kit. The transmitters and level sensors that are de-
livered with the system are briefly described in this section. For further details see
the product documentation package provided with the system delivery.
Section 3.5 Flow kits, on page 62
for the sensors and meters and additional
components associated with the system transmitters.
Pressure transmitters
There are three transmitters for PT-111 to PT-113 installed in the electrical cabinet.
pH and temperature transmitter
A pH and temperature transmitter, AIT-121 is installed in the electrical cabinet.
Flow transmitter
ÄKTA ready XL is equipped with a magnetic flow transmitter FT-141 located outside
the electrical cabinet.
Conductivity and temperature
Two conductivity and temperature transmitters, UUT-381 and UUT-382, are instal-
led in the electrical cabinet.
UV transmitter
A UV transmitter AT-131 is installed in the electrical cabinet allowing the user to set
specific wavelengths to be monitored within the range of 206 to 700 nm. Up to three
specific wavelength values can be set (UV1, UV2 and UV3).
Air trap level sensors and holders
Two reusable air trap level sensors, and a holder, are attached to the system. The
electrical cords for the level sensors enter the system via a cable gland on the front of
the system cabinet.
3 System description
3.4 System components
3.4.5 Transmitters and sensors
ÄKTA ready XL Operating Instructions 29281616 AE
*** TeDIS Valid on Date Printed Printed on: 15-09-2023 11:27:35 ***