02_340_001_AJ_BE(Rev 11/05/11)
(from French version : 02_340_000_AJ_BE (Rev 11/05/11)
Portable Inspectra Laser
©Copyright Gazomat
Inspectra Laser is a portable gas detector that is designed to enable an operator moving on
foot to locate leaks in methane gas distribution systems.
The device uses the principle of infrared laser light absorption by methane molecules. That
detection principle makes the detector highly selective, and sensitive to a single ppm of
methane gas.
The system comes in three versions:
100% gas version :
covers the measurement range from 1 ppm to 100% gas volume,
without Atex certification
, not for use in explosive atmospheres.
100% gas version
: covers the measurement range from 1 ppm to 100% gas volume,
with Atex certification
, for use in explosive atmospheres.
10,0000 ppm version
: covers the measurement range from 1 ppm to 10,000 ppm,
without Atex certification,
not for use in explosive atmospheres
The features of Inspectra
Laser make it extremely easy to use:
Compact and lightweight
Digital display
User-friendly keypad: direct shortcut keys for fast and simple access to standard
functions and menu keys for access to advanced functions;
Carrying system that is easy to adapt to each personal build and the requirements
relating to the use of the device in the field
Use in all positions
The detector is easy to use and maintenance is limited to battery replacement and checking the
condition of the dust filter. The system and accessories adapt to all work situations, from
laboratory measurements to field gas leak detection.
Laser technology is intrinsically safe, as it does not generate hot points. It does not affect the
sample gas and is not sensitive to flow fluctuations.
LASER detector is not designed for use in a contaminated environment.
No identified substances can deteriorate the INSPECTRA
LASER detector in its usual
working environment. However, for use in a chemical environment that is liable to damage
the sensor, please contact GAZOMAT for advice.
Inspectra Laser is the only portable gas detector in the world to offer the best technology for
detecting traces of gas and to put infrared laser technology at the service of the gas industry.