possible cause
solution of the problem
The result is over-
You have made a mistake
in the selection of ingre-
dients or their size (the pi-
eces are too small) or the
setting of the cooking time.
• Stick exactly to the recipes for the appliance.
• Selection of ingredients, the way they are
cut, program selection and cooking time must
be in accordance with the recommendations
in the recipe.
After cooking, the finished
dish was kept too long in
the ›Keep Warm‹-mode.
• A longer period of use of the ›Keep Warm‹-
function is undesirable. This function can be
switched off by pressing and holding the
›Start / Keep Warm on / off‹-button.
When cooking
porridge milk
boils over
The quality and the properties of the milk are
dependent on the storage, and its production
• We recommend the use of ultra-pasteurized
milk with a fat content of up to 2.5%. If ne-
cessary, the milk may be diluted somewhat
with water.
The dishes
The inner pot was used
after being poorly cleaned
during previous cooking.
The ceramic coating of the
inner pot is damaged.
Before you start cooking, make sure that the
inner pot is carefully cleaned and the ceramic
coating is not damaged.
The total amount of food
falls below the recommen-
ded amount in the recipe.
Use a recipe that has been adapted for use
with this appliance.
You have set a too long
cooking time.
Reduce the cooking time.
- when frying:
• You forgot to put oil into
the inner pot.
• You have stirred the food
not often enough or it was
turned over too late.
Usually when frying, pour a little vegetable
oil - so that the bottom of the inner pot is wet-
ted with a thin layer of oil. Stir regularly the
food in the inner pot, for an even browning
of the ingredients.
- when steaming: There is not enough liquid
in the inner pot.
Add more liquid into the inner pot. Do not
open the appliance unnecessarily during the
cooking process.
- when cooking:
• not enough liquid in the
inner pot.
• the ratio of the ingre
dients was not observed.
Observe the proper ratio of liquid and solid
- when baking:
You have not greased the
interior of inner pot prior
to baking.
Prior to filling of the dough grease the bottom
and the inner sides of the inner pot with butter
or vegetable oil.
Attention: do not pour oil into the inner pot!