ADS-B Traffic (TRAF) Function
The Traffic Function allows you to view other traffic in the
area, when installed with a UAT data link radio. One of two
UATs may be installed in your aircraft. The term “UAT”
refers to both unless specific models are identified as either the
“legacy” UAT for the original Capstone installations or the
“GDL 90” UAT. This screen can also show your flight plan.
Traffic is shown in relationship to your aircraft. “Smart” keys
allow you to zoom in and out, show traffic labels, and select
an individual traffic target. The Traffic function is not
available in all software versions. Review the Limitations
section on page iv for the limitations that apply traffic data.
Traffic Description
Your position is located at the tip of the empty triangle
(ownship symbol). The other traffic is shown as a large solid
cyan (light blue) arrow pointing in its direction of travel.
Next to the traffic arrow symbol is the traffic identifier, and
altitude. Altitude is selected as either Pressure or Relative as
noted in the upper left corner of the display.
Detailed Operation
Traffic climb rate
greater than
500 ft/min
Traffic Identifier
Traffic Relative or
Pressure Altitude
Traffic vector
Traffic Icon