Status Information
Status information shows satellite signal reception status,
the amount of data received, and the weather products
that have been activated. Contact your FIS service
provider to activate and deactivate products.
Lightning Strikes (LT) Function
The Lightning Strike mode allows you to view lightning
strikes that are reported by a Goodrich WX500
Stormscope Weather Mapping Sensor. The “T” marks are
used as reference marks to aid in locating strikes in
reference to your position. The Lightning function is not
available in all software versions. Your display range must
be selected to be greater than 25 nm to display lightning
strikes. The display range is shown in the lower left corner
of the display. For instance, if you zoom In to a range of
20 nm, no strikes will be shown, but if you zoom Out to
30 nm strikes will be shown. Review the Limitations
section on page iv for the limitations that apply to the
Lightning data.
Lightning Menu Option Page 1
The first option page of the Lightning function lets you
select options for the choices of Flight Plan, Display view,
Lightning groups, Heading Stabilization, and Stormscope
Detailed Operation