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GSA 8X/GSM 85(A) Installation Manual
Revision R
Slip-Clutch Adjustment
Connect 24V +/- 0.5VDC from the electrical power supply to the Garmin Slip-Clutch Fixture using
banana jacks. Turn power supply on.
Engage the solenoid.
Run the motor clockwise.
Using the 9/16” wrench, adjust the slip-clutch adjustment (castle) nut until the torque value indicates
the required setting.
Switch the motor direction to counter clock-wise and adjust the castle nut until the torque value is
within the required range.
Switch the motor direction back and forth and adjust castle nut as needed until the required torque
range is achieved in both directions. Make sure that the holes in the shaft are centered within the
notches of the castle nut.
Run the capstan two full turns in each direction while observing the torque reading. If the torque
reading remains within the required range without any adjustment of the castle nut, proceed to step 8.
If not, return to step 6.
If the GSM85 is a low torque unit, refer to Section 3.3.6 before inserting the cotter pin. Insert the
cotter pin (MS24665-283) into the holes in the shaft (through the notches in the castle nut). Bend the
cotter pin ends to keep the pin in place, using standard cotter pin practices.
Relieve torque from torque wrench by following step before removing unit from fixture.
Remove unit from fixture by reversing steps in Section 3.3.7.
To remove cable from retaining clips:
If the servo gearbox capstan has retaining clips, the swaged ball end of the cable can be removed by
sliding the ball past the clip while pressing the retaining clip with a flat screwdriver or similar tool.
Figure 3-31. Removing Swaged Ball from Retaining Clip