Since your trip starts at Ft. Myers, you need to set your GPS 50 position to
that location.
Set your GPS 50 position...
· Press NAV until the Position Page is
displayed. NOTE: The position will be
changing by your entered speed.
· Press an arrow key to move the cursor
under the latitude.
· Press CLR until the “N” hemispheric
designation is displayed, then press the 2,
6, 3, 5, 1, 7 keys to enter N26°35.17'.
Press ENT to complete the latitude. The
cursor will move to the longitude.
· Press CLR until the “W” hemispheric
designation is displayed, then press the 0,
8, 1, 5, 1, 8, 1 keys to enter W081°51.81'.
Press ENT to complete the longitude.
Your position is now initialized to Fort
Myers, Florida.
Now you need to create the waypoints used in
the sample trip.
Create waypoints...
· Press WPT to display the Waypoint
Definition Page.