To select true heading...
· With the cursor under the heading mode select field, press MORE until
“TRUE HDG” is displayed.
To select automatic magnetic heading...
· With the cursor under the heading mode select field, press MORE until
“AUTO MAG” is displayed. The computed magnetic variation at the
present position will be displayed.
To select user magnetic heading...
· With the cursor under the heading mode select field, press MORE until
“USER MAG?” is displayed. Press ENT.
· With the cursor under the magnetic variation field, enter the desired
value. (If the direction [E, W] is incorrect, press CLR until the correct
direction is displayed, then enter the numeric value.)
Filter Response
Time Select
The GPS 50 allows you to choose the filter response time for position and
velocity outputs. This may aid you in smoothing the data in rough seas or for
sail boating.
To select filter response time...
· With the cursor under the position/velocity select filter, press MORE
to select “VEL” or “POSN”. Press ENT.
· Press MORE to select FAST (3 seconds), MED (20 seconds), SLOW
(120 seconds), or AUTO.
Typical users will want to choose the “Auto” setting for optimal position and
velocity filtering. This will allow the GPS 50 to respond quickly to changes
in heading and speed while providing smooth data during cruise.