GI 275 Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual
Rev. 1
Page 5-26
5.11 EIS Sensors
In addition to the data in this manual, replacement or re-installation of each probe/sensor and wire must be
accomplished in accordance with the sensor manufacturer instructions or as recommended by the engine
manufacturer. Wire routing and clamping must follow procedures defined in the aircraft maintenance
manual, standard practices manual, or practices defined in Chapter 11,
Electrical Systems
, of AC 43.13-1B
Aircraft Inspection and Repair
Sensors must be connected using hoses and fittings approved as part of aircraft or engine type certificated
design or standard aircraft parts (AN/MS).
After removing or replacing any EIS sensor, perform the EIS ground checkout procedure in Section 6 of
the GI 275 installation manuals (refer to Table 1-1) for the sensor that was affected.
Check hose routing for sharp bends. Check sensors and fittings for leaks during engine
run-up and correct prior to flight.