User Manual Galileosky Lite Trackers
CAN settings
Command format
CanRegime Mode,BaudRate,TimeOut,DoNotCleanAfterTimeOut
Mode – operating mode:
0 – CAN-interface is off and is not used;
1 – CAN-bus scanner;
2 – standard FMS filter;
3 – J1939 user filter 29 bit;
4 – J1939 user filter 11 bit;
BaudRate – data bus rate. It must be the same as the vehicle data bus rate. It can have the
following values: from 10000 up to 500000. Typical values: 62500, 125000, 250000,
TimeOut – measured in msec. For CAN_SCANNER mode it is response latency. If it is too
small, not all bus messages will be received. The recommended time for CAN_SCANNER is
2000 msec. For all the rest modes it is time to receive at least one message, otherwise, the
value will be set to zero.
DoNotCleanAfterTimeOut – data should not be set to zero by disconnecting CAN-bus.
General CAN-bus control.
Example: switching on scanner for a 250000 b/sec bus with the message (answer) latency,
equal to 2 sec.
Request: CanRegime 1,250000,2000
Command format
ActiveCAN OnOff
OnOff – operating mode:
0 – passive mode: packets receiving confirmations are not sent to the CAN-bus. It is a safe
mode of operation. It does not interfere with the on-board equipment;
1 – active mode: packets receiving confirmations are sent to the CAN-bus.
Control of packets confirmation sending to the CAN-bus.
Confirmation sending may be necessary by connection to the troubleshooting socket if the
data cannot be read in passive mode.
Request: ActiveCAN 1