User Manual Galileosky Lite Trackers
Track parameters setting
Command format
Turning V,A,D,S,dS
V – minimum speed that enables drawing of the track at turnings, [km/h];
A – minimum turn angle for the tracker to record a track point, [º];
D – the distance above which the next packet will be saved to the tracker memory, [m];
S –the speed above which for dS-multiple value track point will be recorded, [km/h];
dS – speeding interval, [km/h].
Configures track detail representation.
Request: Turning 3,10,300,60,20
Reply: TURNING:Speed=3,Angle=10,Distance=300,SpeedEx=60,SpeedDelta=20
Command format
GPS.Correct OnOff,MaxWrong,HDOP,Spd,Acc,Jump,TravelSpeed
OnOff –coordinates filtering is on(1) or off(0);
MaxWrong – the number of wrong coordinates to be filtered (the recommended number is
5). This parameter accounts errors of acceleration exceed and jump, for other parameters the
coordinates are always filtered;
HDOP – Maximum HDOP above which the coordinates are not updated;
Spd – Maximum speed. When it is exceeded, coordinates are considered false and are not
updated, [km/h];
Acc –GPS or GLONASS data based acceleration [m/s
Jump – Maximum coordinate jump in the nearest 2 seconds, [m];
TravelSpeed – Minimum speed for coordinates to be updated, [km/h]. This function is not
suitable for low speed vehicles (tractors, asphalt placing machines)
Allows filtering false coordinates: jumps when the vehicle stops, in or out of tunnels, near
high-rise buildings
Request: GPS.CORRECT 1,5,2,150,3,50,3
Reply: GPS.correct: OnOff=1, MaxWrong=5, MaxHDOP=2, MaxSpd=150, MaxAcc=3,
MaxJump=50, MaxTravelSpeed=3;