User Manual Galileosky Lite Trackers
contact at 0 o’clock GMT cannot be enabled whatever the tracker`s settings are;
remote commands will work only when the tracker radio silence mode is disabled, i.e.
GSM-unit is on;
do not set the contact time less than five minutes, otherwise the tracker will not have
enough time to establish a link with the server and to report about its location.
The tracker allows setting areas where coordinates are not updated, the GSM-unit is
switched off. Each area is described by the coordinates of the center and by the radius.
Geofences’ setting commands are given in section
Power saving
To reduce power consumption of the tracker in the operating mode, perform the following
Reduce the degree of track details. The lower this degree, the less the power consumption.
To reduce power consumption of the tracker at a stop, perform the following steps:
Set up the shutdown of the GPS/GLONASS unit at a stop, this can be performed by using
SLEEPMODE command (section
) or on the Power saving tab in the
Enable the deep sleep mode at a stop. The deep sleep mode is turned on at the end of a
pre-specified time period at a stop. In this mode the tracker disables the specified modules
(GPRS, CAN, RS232, RS485, microSD), reduces the ADC sampling rate, does not
sample 1Wire sensors and does not charge the battery. The behaviour in the deep sleep
mode can be configured by using SLEEPMODE command (section
) or
on the Power saving tab of the Configurator. It is possible to setup a period of connection
to a server in the deep sleep mode.
Remote configuration
Remote configuration can be performed through several data transfer channels:
SMS. The tracker has a list of 4 authorized phone numbers, the messages from which are
treated as configuration commands. The available commands are described in the section
. A phone number can be added to the list of authorized numbers
either through the Configurator, or by sending a message with AddPhone command
GPRS. Commands can be sent from the monitoring data processing server. The format of
the commands is described in the section
GPRS. Commands can be sent via the Configurator and the remote configuration server
of RSA “Galilesoky”, LLC. In this case, the tracker supports two parallel connections: the
first – with the monitoring data processing server, and the second – with the remote
configuration server. Remote configuration can be enabled using RemoteConfig 1
command (section
). It is possible to send commands to the tracker, to
receive current information from the sensors connected and to receive diagnostic