User Manual Galileosky Lite Trackers
Tracker Units Performance
Discrete-analog inputs (DAI)
To attach external sensors the tracker has 8 discrete-analog inputs which are pulse-
frequency at the same time. Each input’s function is set in the tracker settings (sections Discrete-
analog inputs setting and
inputs are designated
as IN0, IN1, IN2, IN3.
Each input saves its values to the nonvolatile memory, i.e. in case if the channel is set to be
a pulse one, the pulse number value will be restored after resetting the device.
Maximum measured voltage
33 V
Analog inputs resolution
33 mV
Maximum transmitted signal
4 kHz (synchronous measuring at 1 input)
3.5 kHz (synchronous measuring at 2 inputs)
1.5 kHz (measuring at 4 inputs)
DAI have the following settings:
Filter type (input
0 - arithmetical average (discrete input state is also generated);
1 - pulse count;
2 - frequency input;
3 - pulse count from two synchronously connected sensors.
Filter length to calculate
the mean value
The greater this parameter, the more slowly the device responds
to the input signal change. With filter length equal to 1 -
averaging does not happen.
Set this parameter to 1 for frequency inputs.
It is necessary to set this parameter to 1 for pulse inputs. If the
tracker counts extra pulses, the filter length should be increased
by one and accuracy estimated.
Ranges for response/
nonresponse areas
(logical 1 and 0)
To process discrete signals, discrete signal
response/nonresponse range should be set where signals
equal to one and zero. Discrete inputs states should be seen in
the Status of Inputs field, but not in the Input voltage fields.
While counting pulses or frequency, it is necessary to put the
value equal to half the pulse value into all the fields of the given
group (example: the pulses' amplitude is 5000 mV, so all the
fields must take the value 2500 mV)
While counting pulses from 2 synchronously connected sensors,
response zone limits must be the same and equal to half of pulse
value at response of one of the sensors. Non-response zone
limits are equal to half of pulse value at two sensors simultaneous