For wiring and electrical information, see the individual sections below which individually describes
each type of output: 500mA Sourcing, 25mA Sinking, and 25mA Sourcing. Each of these are wired
differently and have separate constraints, so read each section carefully before wiring.
: For the following sections, “n” will denote the bank of interest representing either 0, 1, or 2
representing Bank 0, Bank 1, or Bank 2 respectively.
500mA Sourcing Outputs (HSRC)
The 500mA sourcing option, referred to as high power sourcing (HSRC), is capable of sourcing up to
500mA per output and up to 3A per
. The voltage range for the outputs is 12-24 VDC. These
outputs are capable of driving inductive loads such as solenoids or relays. The outputs are configured
for hi-side (sourcing) only.
Electrical Specifications
Output PWR (OPnA) Max Voltage
24 VDC
Output PWR (OPnA) Min Voltage
12 VDC
Max Drive Current per Output
0.5 A (not to exceed 3A per Bank)
Wiring Information
With this configuration, the output power supply will be connected to Output PWR (labeled OPnA)
and the power supply return will be connected to Output GND (labeled OPnB) , where n denotes 0, 1,
or 2 referring to Bank 0, Bank 1, Bank 2 respectively. Note that the load is wired between DO and
Output GND. The wiring diagram for Bank 0 is shown in Figure 4.1, Bank 1 in Figure 4.2, and Bank 2 in
Figure 4.3. Refer to Connectors for RIO-47xxx in the Appendix for pin-out information.
Chapter 4 I/O ▫ 42 RIO-47xxx Rev. 1.0r
Figure 4.1: 500mA Sourcing wiring diagram for Bank 0, DO[7:0]
Figure 4.2: 500mA Sourcing wiring diagram for Bank 1, DO[15:8]