The air should arrive at
The air should arrive at the starter clean and dry.
the starter clean and dry. It is
It is recommen
recommended an automatic purge be
ded an automatic purge be
fitted in the tank
fitted in the tank and a GALI air
and a GALI air filter be connected immediately before the starter. The
filter be connected immediately before the starter. The
installation should foresee a horizontal stretch for installation of the filter.
installation should foresee a horizontal stretch for installation of the filter.
Unless expressly recommended otherwise, the inside diameter of the feeding pipe should not
Unless expressly recommended otherwise, the inside diameter of the feeding pipe should not
at any point be less than 45 mm or 1 ¾ inches.
at any point be less than 45 mm or 1 ¾ inches.
In the case of long pipes, the inside diameter should be greater than the minimum
In the case of long pipes, the inside diameter should be greater than the minimum
recommended. The feeding conduit should have as short a run as possible and a minimum of
recommended. The feeding conduit should have as short a run as possible and a minimum of
changes of direction.
changes of direction.
To guarantee safety in starter maintenance, it is necessary to incorporate a lockable and
To guarantee safety in starter maintenance, it is necessary to incorporate a lockable and
airtight shut
airtight shut off valve which assures the isolation against pressure in the access line to
off valve which assures the isolation against pressure in the access line to
the starter when the valve is c
the starter when the valve is c losed.
In the cases where the
In the cases where the control system incorporates an electro valve directly mounted on the starter,
control system incorporates an electro valve directly mounted on the starter, it will be
it will be
necessary to connect the supply voltage, according to the indications for the
necessary to connect the supply voltage, according to the indications for the same.
The ele
electrical ins
ctrical ins tallation has to c
tallation has to c omply w
omply w ith th
ith th e re
e requirements of th
quirements of th e Low Voltage
e Low Voltage
ctrotechnical Re