NiCd [0] 10 Cell(12.0V)
Ec: 2400mAh
CHARGE [ Normal ]
D-CHARGE [ Normal ]
Read Vol: 10.40V
[0] 10C 5000mAh
Chg current: 2.0A
Dchg current: 5.0A
Dchg voltage: Default
Delta peak: Default
End current: Auto
Trickle curr: 100mA
- End current:
Set the final charging current at termination. The end current should be
less than the initial charge current . (Auto ,60~500mA)
Auto: The process will be terminated when the charging current go to 1/10 of its initial value.
Otherwise, the charge current will be decreased until the designated value has been reached.
- Trickle curr:
Activate of deactivate the trickle charge after the termination of
After setting up all parameters, press and hold 'ENTER' button for more than three
seconds to go for the next step. The display will show you the choice of options which are
charge, discharge and cycle.
Press 'UP' or 'DOWN' button to select 'Charge' or 'Discharge' program, then chose a sub-
program to be performed using 'INC' or 'DEC' button. To start the process, locate the
cursor at the sub-program to be performed then press and hold 'START/ENTER' button for
three seconds.
9.2 Select program and start the process
- Charge mode:
Set the charge mode which the charger will work with.
Normal: The charger will work with the parameters which were set at the screen. The
feeding current will be zero at every 90 seconds to have 6 seconds of waste-time for
higher charging efficiency.
Pulse: The charger will work with the parameters which were set at the screen. The
feeding current will be zero at every 30 seconds to have 3 seconds of waste-time for
higher charging efficiency.
- Discharge mode :
Set the discharge mode which the charger will work with, on
Normal: the charger will stop discharging at the time when the voltage drops to the final
voltage set at next parameter-'Dchg volt'.
CV-mode: The discharging current will start to be decreased gradually until the end current
which will be set up at next has been reached, when the voltage has been dropped to the
final discharge voltage. For maximum discharge ,use this mode.
10. Screen displays during process
As the program starts by pressing 'START/ENTER' burron, the LCD will be changed to
show the charge or discharge graph, and also some other data. Those displays can be
switched using 'UP' or 'DOWN' button. The display will go back to the graph screen
automatically, after showing the data screen in three minutes.
Manual of the charger E6D