FRQ (Show/set frequency channel)
FRQ (number) (:frequency channel)
Available “number”: 1 to 3
Available “frequency channel”: 02 to 81
yy: Current frequency channel (02 to 81)
P0: Norm al end
N0: Co mmand error
- This command indicates or sets a frequency channel.
- When this command is executed without “frequency channel”, current frequency channel is recalled.
- Frequency channel setting by this command is temporary. Thus, the setting is returned to that of REG07,
REG08 and REG09 after executing RST command or resetting FDP02. For permanent setting, the
REG07, REG08 and REG09 should be changed.
Available setting value of "number" is 1 to 3. "1" indicates the frequency channel set of REG07, "2"
indicates the frequency channel set of REG08, and "3" indicates the frequency channel set of REG09.
“number” Description
Frequency channel of REG07
Frequency channel of REG08
Frequency channel of REG09
[Examples of use]
>@FRQ1<Cr><Lf>: This command recalls the frequency channel of “frequency cannel 1”.
This response indicates the current t frequency channel is 02 (2,402MHz).
>@FRQ2:15<Cr><Lf>: This command sets the “frequency channel 2” to channel “15” (2,415MHz).
This response indicates the normal end of command processing.