REG22 (Low power stand-by time)
[Default: 04H]
This register can define time duration of low power stand-by mode. The available setting value is 1 (10ms)
to 255 (2550ms). Default value is 4 (40ms).
“Low power stand-by time” should be longer than 30ms when 2
frequency channel mode is used. Also, it should be longer than 40ms
when 3 frequency channel mode is used.
When “Re-transmission count” (REG11) is large, data communication
is sometimes failed. Especially, if the data message is divided into
some packets, possibility of communication failure increases.
REG23 (wired-communication setting 3) (only for the headerless packet transmission mode) [Default: 00H]
Bits 7 to 5: Not used
Bit 4: Enable addition of <Cr><Lf> to the received data
Not add '<Cr><Lf>' to the received data (default)
Add '<Cr><Lf>' to the received data
This register defines availability of "<Cr><Lf>" (carriage return and line feed codes) addition to the end of
the received data when the setting value of REG03 is “FFH”.
Bits 3 to 0: Not used
REG24 (delimiter for headerless-packet transmission,
Unit of sleep time duration
[Default: C1H]
Bit 7: Not used
Bit 6: Delimiter
0 T
1 <Cr><Lf>
This bit of the register defines the trigger of data transmission when the setting value of REG03 is “FFH”.
When the value of the bit 0 is “0”, the FDP02 starts transmission if no data packet is coming during specific
time that is defined by REG26.
Bits 5 to 2: Not used
Bit 1:
Unit of sleep time duration
0 x
10ms (Default)
1 x
Bit 0: Unit of time-out time
x 1 ms
x 10 ms (Default)
The time-out time is defined by this bit and REG26.