AFR is a servo endpoint limiting function, similar to ATV with three exception:
1. AFR limits only the Dual Rate OFF (High
Rate) servo travel. Trim throw and Dual Rate
ON (Low Rate) limits are unaffected (unless
A F R is reduced below the D/R ON limit).
2. AFR can be used with mixing functions to
adjust more than one channel simultaneously.
For example, let's assume that the Aileron
Differential mixing program is activated, and
that CH1 controls the right aileron and CH7
controls the left aileron. AFR can be used to
adjust the aileron control response because
the CH1 and CH7 servos will be affected
simultaneously (Ex: Reducing the left aileron
AFR will reduce the left hand servo (CH7) UP
throw and the right hand servo (CH1) DOWN
throw simultaneously.).
With ATV, the CH1 servo and CH7 servo
throws in the above example would have to be
adjusted separately.
3. AFR sub trimmers are available on the front
trimmer panel for Aileron and Elevator AFR.
These allow quicker field adjustments in con-
trol response without the necessity of going
through the usual programming steps. Adjust-
ments can even be made during flight (by an
assistant). Maximum adjustment available on
the sub trimmers is ±25% of the amount of
travel set on the AFR program screen.
Setting Method
1) The setting method for AFR is the same as for
ATV (See page 16).
2) Select the EDIT screen and press the AFR pro-
gram key.
3) The percentage figures displayed on the
extreme left and right sides of the screen
(CH1 and CH2 only) show the total amount
of travel actually set (The amount set with the
program keys + or — the amount set with the
A F R sub trimmers.)
4) When the sub trimmers are turned slowly, a
tone will sound at the exact neutral position.
With the sub trimmer in neutral, the total
travel will equal that set with the program
In the bar graph illustration below, the right
hand throw is reduced to 70% of normal throw
by A F R . Note that the Dual Rate ON (Low
Rate) limit and Trim throw limits remain the
same on both sides (Compare with the ATV
illustration on page 16).
NOTE: Trim Limits and D/R Limits same in both directions.