1. Press [NAV MENU], [5] in order.
2. To change own ship’s track plotting interval, press the [3] key several times to display
desired plotting interval in reverse video.
3. Press the [ENTER] key.
4. To change other ships’ track plotting interval, press [6] (several times) to select plotting
5. Press the [ENTER] key.
Plot interval and track storage time
Memory capacity for own ship’s track and other ship’s track is 6,000 points each. For other
ship’s track the 6,000 points is divided equally among ten targets, so there are 600 points
per target. When a track memory becomes full the oldest track is deleted to make room for
a new entry.
If own ship track is stored every minute, 6,000 points of memory represents 100 hours of
time span; 3 minute intervals covers 16 days and 16 hours. The time span covering one
other ship is 1/10 of own ship as a total of 10 other ships equal to one OS.
Memory used
Press [NAV MENU], [0] to display the following:
= 3456
= 1124
= 0021
Figure 6-8 MEMORY IN USE display
Track smoothing
Even when the vessel is sailing in a straight line the track shown on the display may not
look straight. This is due to signal variation of the external navaid. You can compensate for
this irregularity with smoothing.
A smoothing factor between 1 and 9 is available. OFF provides no smoothing. In most
cases a smoothing setting between 1 and 5 is satisfactory.
1. Press [NAV MENU], [5] in order.