3. Make sure the appropriate lens size is selected before hitting the generate test pattern option.
WARNING!! This will fire the laser! Make sure you are at least 12 inches away from the laser if you are not
wearing safety glasses.
4. The laser will produce a grid of marks from A - H vertically and numbers 1-6 horizontally.(See Fig.27)
Note: The marking in the focus test are in millimeters and may require some means of magnification.
5. Choose the 2 most visibly similar blocks and input them into the Pattern Selection then select “Focus Job Result”,
and then done.
Example: In this picture 3F and 4D are visibly similar so they can be chosen.
Note: If focus test does not produce the grid then it may need to be re-focused.
Fig. 26
Fig. 27
Section V. Focusing Your Laser