Section II. Unboxing & Assembly
Section II. Unboxing & Assembly
The MOPA Galvo has a weight of 130 lbs. At least two people are needed to lift and unbox the
machine. Do Not Lift The Box Alone.
Unboxing Steps
Follow these instructions for best results:
Prepare Work Space: You will need an open, level work space to place your laser cutter. A sturdy
table with room for the machine (
25.5" x 13" x 23.5 for the m 18.5" x 8" x 16.5
” for the
workspace) is recommended. Be sure the table is free of clutter and can support a minimum of
400lbs (the machine itself weighs 130 lbs).
Place Box: Place your box on or near your table before opening it, using either a pair of scissors or a
box cutter.
Fig. 5
Fig. 4