C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k C S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k C S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
Menu Field
Password on boot:
Enabled; Disabled.
When set to Enabled, a password (User or Supervisor) is required
after the Power On Self Test (POST) before the operating system
will be read from a disk. When set to Disabled no password is
required. If no Supervisor Password is set this feature is not
available and no password is required.
Power Management
Enabled; Disabled.
When set to Enabled, a password, is required upon Resume from
Suspend or Save-to-Disk Mode.
Fixed disk boot sector:
Normal; Write Protect.
Write protects boot sector on hard disk to protect against viruses.
Fixed disk security:
Primary Master:
Enabled; Disabled.
When set to Enabled, a password (User or Supervisor) is required
to access data on the disk drive on the Primary Master interface.
Secondary Master:
Enabled; Disabled.
When set to Enabled, a password (User or Supervisor) is required
to access data on the Secondary Master interface.
Table 4-13 Fields, Options and Defaults for the Security Menu