T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
L i f e B o o k C S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
Possible Cause
Possible Solution
The built-in display is blank
4. The power management timeouts may be
4. Press any key or move the pointer, if this
parameters when you start it (continued.)
set for very short intervals and you failed to
doesn’t work press the Suspend/Resume
notice the display come on and go off again.
button. (The display may be shut off
by Standby mode, Auto Suspend, or
Video Timeout.)
5. The notebook turned on with a series of beeps.
5. Power On Self Test (POST) has detected a
failure which does not allow the display to
operate. Contact your support representative.
The display goes blank by itself after you
1. The notebook has gone into Video timeout,
1. Use the keyboard or pointer and if
have been using it.
Standby mode, Suspend mode or Save-to-Disk
that does not restore operation, push the
mode because you have not used it for a
Suspend/Resume button. You may want
period of time.
to close your application and go
to the setup utility Power menu
(See pages 85-87),
and adjust the timeout
values to better suit your operation needs.
2. Something is pushing on the Closed
2. Clear the Closed Cover switch.
Cover switch.
(See Figure 1-3 on page 5.)
3. The power management timeouts may be set
3. Press any key or move the pointer,
for very short intervals and you failed to notice
if this doesn’t work press the
the display come on and go off again.
Suspend/Resume button.