C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k C S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k C S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
Menu Field
Event log capacity:
Display only.
[Space Available]
Event log validity:
Display only.
Clear all DMI event logs:
Yes; No.
A Yes selection causes the event logs to clear at the next boot.
Once the logs are cleared this automatically sets to No until reset
to yes by selecting yes here.
Event Logging:
Enabled; Disabled.
Turns event logging on and off for all DMI events.
System Boot Event:
Enabled; Disabled.
Turns event logging on and off for DMI system boot events.
Table 4-12 Fields, options and Defaults for the DMI Event Logging Submenu