5.5 Config
The Config tab provides access to various configuration items. Refer to Figure 34.
Figure 34: Config Tab
5.5.1 Information
Figure 35 shows the Information Window,
which is located in the upper-right hand
corner of the Config tab. This window
displays various informational messages
regarding the status of the configuration
parameters (loading or submitting).
5.5.2 Authentication Configuration
Figure 36 shows the entry boxes used to modify the
authentication credentials. The case-sensitive
username and password can contain letters (“a”..”z”
and “A”..”Z”) and numbers (“0”..”9”), and can each be
up to 80 characters in length.
5.5.3 Timeout
The interface can be configured to perform a specific set of actions when network communications are
lost. The drive also has the ability to perform an independent set of actions when a timeout occurs
(section 3.2). Support for the interface and drive timeout features varies depending on the protocol: refer
to the protocol-specific section of this manual for further information.
Figure 35: Config Tab Information Window
Figure 36: Authentication Configuration
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