Some items to keep in mind when interacting with the Function Code List are:
When entering new function code values, be sure that the number being entered is appropriate for
the currently-selected radix (refer to section 5.3.5): for example, an entered value of “1000” in
hexadecimal is equal to 4096 in decimal.
If desired, the column widths can be changed by dragging the vertical bars that separate the header
row’s cells to a different position.
If you begin changing a function code value and then decide to abandon the change, pressing the
ESC key on your keyboard will abandon the change and redisplay the current function code value.
When editing a function code value, clicking someplace off the entry cell is equivalent to hitting the
ENTER key.
5.3.4 Function Code List Filter
A filter function provides Function Code List search
capabilities. To use the filter function, simply type a
word or portion of a word into the filter entry box and
then click the “filter” button. Refer to Figure 27.
The filter will then display only those function codes
currently available in the Function Code List that satisfy the search criteria. For example, to find all
monitor data 1 function codes that contain some derivative of the word “volt” (such as “voltage” or
“volts”), select the “Monitor Data 1” group, enter “volt” in the filter entry box, and then click the “filter”
Once a filter has been entered, it will continue to be applied to all information normally displayed in the
Function Code List for as long as the filter term is left in the filter entry box. Continuing the previous
example where we filtered on the root term “volt” in the monitor data 1 group, we can then easily apply
this filter to all available function codes simply by selecting the “All” function code group. The Function
Code List will now display all command, monitor, configuration etc. function codes that contain the root
term “volt”.
To remove the filter, delete any characters contained in the filter entry box and then click the “filter”
5.3.5 Radix
Figure 28 shows the radix selection buttons. These selection buttons
allow changing the Function Code List “value” column data display
and entry radix between decimal and hexadecimal formats.
When “DEC” is selected, the “value” column heading will be “
”, current function code values will be displayed in decimal,
and values to be written to function codes must be entered in decimal format. For example, to change
the inverter’s frequency command to 40.00Hz, enter the decimal value 4000.
Similarly, when “HEX” is selected, the “value” column heading will be “
Value (Hexadecimal)
”, current
function code values will be displayed in hexadecimal, and values to be written to function codes must
be entered in hexadecimal format. For example, to turn on bit #10 in the inverter’s operation command
word, enter the hexadecimal number 0400.
Figure 27: Function Code List Filter
Figure 28: Radix Selection
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