1. Switching to Local Mode
Standard/Lite Models
Press the [SYSTEM] switch to display the system menu
and then press the [Local] switch
*1 If the system menu does not appear by pressing the [SYSTEM] switch, [System Switch Prohibited] is selected
(page 1-6). To enable the [SYSTEM] switch, hold down the [F7] switch with the [SYSTEM] switch for the time
specified for [Change-over Time] (max. 30 seconds). [Change-over Time] is set in the screen program.
*2 If the [Local] switch does not appear in the system menu by pressing the [SYSTEM] switch, [Mode Switch
Prohibited] is selected. To enable the switch, press the [SYSTEM] switch to display the system menu, and hold
down the [F7] switch with the [F1] switch for the time specified for [Change-over Time] (max. 30 seconds).
[Change-over Time] is set in the screen program.
*3 The splash screen can be changed as desired. For details, refer to the V9 Series Reference Manual 2.
Splash screen
Local mode screen
Progress bar