ca. 1 sec.
5 Tuning in and deleting
5.1 Tuning in the master-fi nger for channel 1 and channel 2
When connecting up the radio fi ngerprint scanner in the ex-works condition or after completely deleting all user-
fi ngers from the memory (reset), the module anticipates tuning in three master-fi ngers per channel. If for example
only the middle fi nger is to be tuned in as the master fi nger for channel 1, it must be swiped three times over the
line-scanner’s surface. Two or also three people can be tuned in as masters for the one channel. In the case of tuning in
two people, it makes sense to tune in one person with the same fi ngerprint twice and the other person with the one
fi ngerprint once. In the following example we explain the procedure of tuning in the same master-fi nger three times.
1. If
both LED’s light up
, you may
commence with tuning in the
master fi ngerprint.
In order to tune in the
fi rst
master-fi nger
, the
middle fi
swiped over the line-scanner
from the top to the bottom
within 60 seconds
. As an in-
dication that the master-fi nger
has been detected, both LED’s
go out briefl y and then light up
The fi
rst master-fi
nger was
tuned in in step 2. In order to
store both of the other master-
fi ngers,
repeat step 2 another
2 times. We recommend using
the same fi ngerprint for this
Now the master-fi ngerprints for
channel 1are stored. The LED’s
fl ash twice and then light up
4. Subsequently the three master-fi ngers are tuned in to channel 2,
keeping in mind that none of the tuned in fi ngerprints for channel 1
are used. We recommend the left-hand middle fi nger for channel 2.
After the master-fi nger for channel 2 has also been tuned in, the green
LED lights up at the end for 3 seconds and then goes out. Both LED’s
now go out and the master-fi nger’s tuning in procedure has been
The master-fi ngers cannot be used to open doors; they serve only as programming
fi ngerprints to tune in or delete user-fi ngers. Should you select other fi ngerprints as master-
fi ngers, please make a note of this as a reminder on page 15, chapter 8 of the operating
60 sec.
Channel 1
Channel 2
ca. 3 sec.