2 sec.
2 sec.
10 sec.
10 sec.
2 sec.
1. In order to tune in the user-
fi ngers, fi rst the master-fi nger
of the desired channel (channel
1 or channel 2) is swiped 1x
over the line-scanner. To indi-
cate that the master-fi nger has
been successfully detected, the
red and green LED light up at
the same time for 2 seconds.
Now swipe the desired new
user-fi nger
within 10 seconds
across the line-scanner. If the
new user-fi nger has been suc-
cessfully read, the green LED
lights up for 2 seconds and then
goes out. If the red LED lights
up, the fi ngerprint has not been
detected and could not be read.
Try again
within 10 seconds
3. End the tuning in procedure by
swiping the master-fi nger over
the line-scanner again
10 seconds
. If this was carried
out successfully, both LED’s
light up for 2 seconds and then
go out again.
If the confi rmation time of 10 sec. is exceeded, the previously read user-fi ngers are not
stored in the memory, but rather deleted and the device independently returns again to the
normal operation mode. Please make a note of the user-fi nger as a reminder on page 15,
chapter 8 of these operating instructions.
Master-fi ngers cannot be tuned in as user-fi ngers!
Maximum 200 user-fi ngers (100 per channel) can be tuned in!
You can also tune in the same user-fi nger several times to increase the detection rate. (We recommend
tuning in every user-fi nger 3 times consecutively! To do so, simply repeat the described steps.)
5.2 Tuning in user-fi ngers to open the motor-lock door