(8) Tighten the ITF union slowly about 1/4 turn using a 12 mm wrench. The amount to be tightened
depends on the tolerance of the pyrolysis tube and graphite Vespel ferrule.
(9) Attach the heat sink adapter. Secure the adapter so that there is no large gap between the adapter
and interface block.
(10) Put the ITF cover back in place. Install a new septum in the injection port, and then install the
pyrolyzer on top of the GC. Gently tighten the septum cap at the GC injection port.
(11) Perform a leak test.
Plug the outlet of the separation column or EGA tube.
Turn on the carrier gas. The column inlet pressure goes up and should be the same as the carrier
gas supply pressure, if there is no leakage. If leaking, refer to Chapter 7.3
“Typical troubleshooting
When joining the quartz pyrolysis tube and ITF union, graphite the Vespel ferrule
must be firmly tightened, particularly when using a new graphite Vespel ferrule
with which a leakage can occur when cooled down. If this is the case, tighten the
union further by 15 to 30 degree turn. If the joint is properly tightened, when the
interface union is removed, the union, graphite Vespel ferrule and quartz
pyrolysis tube should all be stuck together and hard to pull them apart. When the
joint is tightened this much, there should be no leakage even when the
temperature is lowered.