Energy monitor-
Serves to:
Set the energy set value and the desired limits
Monitor the energy input per weld seam / job
If a weld seam consists of 2 or more jobs, the energy input of the previously welded job
must be added for the subsequent jobs in the weld sequence.
A weld seam consists of 4 jobs, with an energy input of 40 kJ each
Limit Monitoring ignores the first 3 jobs and only records the last job
For this reason, an energy set value of at least 160 kJ must be set for the last job (4
x 40 kJ) in order to prevent Limit Monitoring from unintentionally issuing a notifica-
Energy monitoring
Adjustable parameters:
Energy set value:
0 to 9999.9 kJ
Lower energy limit:
-10 to 0 kJ
Upper energy limit:
0 to 10 kJ
Energy monitoring:
Possible error messages:
47 |
Lower energy limit not reached
48 |
Upper energy limit exceeded