Fan parameters
The purpose of the fan parameters is to
control how the fan operates for various
operational instances.
The displays show the default settings for
the regulator’s fan parameters.
Change parameter values by pressing the
arrow keys until the required parameter is
displayed. Now press the SET button and
change the value using the arrow keys.
Save by pressing the SET button again. The
regulator will revert to showing the current
room temperature automatically after 30
Minimum speed for the fan
Only used with variable control. Setting range (30-100)%.
Maximum speed for the fan
Only used with variable control. Setting range (30-100)%.
Over-running time for maximum speed
Determines how long the unit is to remain at maximum speed after the door has been
closed. Setting range (0-240) seconds.
Over-running time for minimum speed
Determines how long the unit is to remain at minimum speed after the unit has
eased down from high speed. Setting range (0-60) min.
Outdoor temperature when minimum speed is to apply
Minimum speed is to apply at 10°C. This parameter applies in the temperature range
where there is a need for heat. Setting range (0 - 50)°C. See figure page 71.
Outdoor temperature when maximum speed is to apply
Maximum speed is to apply at -18°C. This parameter applies in the temperature range
where there is a need for heat. Setting range (-30 - 50)°C. See figure page 71.
Outdoor temperature when minimum speed is to apply
Minimum speed is to apply at 18°C. This parameter applies in the temperature range
where there is a need for cooling. Setting range (0 - 50)°C. See figure page 71.
Outdoor temperature when maximum speed is to apply
Maximum speed is to apply at 30°C. This parameter applies in the temperature range
where there is a need for cooling. Setting range (0 - 50)°C. See figure page 71.
% increase of fan speed for falling indoor temperature
Used for water heated units to increase power extraction for the service heating of
the entrance. The speed increases by the % unit per degree the temperature drops.
Setting range (0-100)%.
Type of fan control
0=Control in 3 stages (standard), 1= variable control, via external control (0-10)V.
Certain factory set parameters and
information on the regulator can be found in
the code menu. You do not normally need to
do anything here.