140.925-IOM (APR 2019)
Page 20
• Install the 1.5K ohm test resistor supplied with the heater
control panel (in bag on outside of cover) across terminals
T1 and T2.
• Install the heater control panel cover.
• Energize the system and listen for the contactor closing.
• After operation, de-energize the circuit, disconnect the
heater control panel, and tag out the circuit.
• Remove the resistor and place it back in the storage bag.
Check all connections, reconnect sensor wires per the
wiring diagram to terminals T1 and T2, replace the cover,
and place the system back in service.
Dangerous voltages are present in this equipment.
Disconnect the electrical service of the source and tag the
circuit out before servicing or replacing components.
Do not operate the system unattended or for extended
periods of time during test mode (resistor across terminals
T1 and T2). Operation in water temperatures above 45°F
(7.2°C) could damage the unit.
Operation when the sensor probe is encased in ice:
• Disconnect the heater control panel and tag out the circuit.
• Remove the heater control panel cover.
• Install a jumper wire across terminals G1 and G2 on the
combination temperature/low level control circuit board.
• Install the heater control panel cover.
• Energize the system and listen for the contactor closing.
• Operate the system until the ice is melted around the
• After operation, de-energize the circuit, disconnect the
heater control panel, and tag out the circuit.
• Remove the jumper, check all connections, replace the
cover, and place the system back in service.
Do not operate the system unattended or for extended
periods of time with terminals G1-G2 jumpered. A low liquid
level condition could occur, and the system will not shut
off which could result in damage to the heater and unit.
Figure 19 is superseded by any drawing supplied with the
panel by the manufacturer.
The Mechanical Vibration Cutout Switch and the Optional Elec-
tronic Vibration Cutout Switch should be tested and field adjusted
at start-up and yearly thereafter. Both are located on the outside
of the unit, next to the access door.
For units equipped with the EC fan drive system, vibrations are
monitored by built-in sensors in the motors. A separate vibration
cutout switch is not needed.
Mechanical Vibration Cutout Switch (Standard)
Set Point Adjustment When Installed:
1. For safety, turn off, then lock and tag-out the electrical supply
to the fan motor(s).
2. Turn adjustment screw counterclockwise 1/8 turn at a time
until you hear the control trip.
3. Once tripped, rotate adjustment screw ¼ turn clockwise. Push
in the manual reset button.
4. Start up the fans to determine if the start-up will cause the
cut-out switch to trip.
5. If the VCOS does not trip, start and stop the fan two more
times. If the VCOS still does not trip, then calibration is complete.
6. If the VCOS trips, follow the steps in the note to the right.
Electrical Reset and Start-up Lockout (Optional):
1. If rated voltage is continuously applied to the reset circuit
at unit start-up, the reset solenoid energizes for a fixed time
interval (approximately 30 sec), after which time the solenoid is
automatically de-energized by the thermistor. This provides a
trip lockout during machine start-up roughness.
2. The voltage must be removed from the reset circuit when the
machine is stopped to allow the thermistor to cool off.
3. The switch mechanism can be reset electrically by a momen-
tary application of the reset voltage or it can be reset manually.
Electronic Vibration Cutout Switch (Optional)
Two models of electronic vibration cutout switches are available.
The single set point model contains one trip limit for shutdown.
The dual set point model contains two independent trip limits;
one for alarm and one for shutdown. The shutdown set-point
is factory set at 0.45 in/sec. Additional details can be found in
the submittal packet.
• The test position sets in the minimum set point so that any
vibration will cause a trip condition.
• The light will come on immediately, and the trip will occur
after the duration of the time delay, proving the complete
system is operational.
• If test position is maintained for less than the duration of
the time delay, the trip will not occur, thus permitting the
system test without shutdown.
• A light adjacent to the set point control comes on the
instant the measured vibration level exceeds the set point.
• The unit can be periodically calibrated on line by turning
the set point control down until the light comes on. This
setting is then compared with the vibration measured with
a portable vibration meter, thus providing a calibration
check of the unit.
• If the trip setting is maintained, trip will occur after the
duration of the time delay.