140.925-IOM (APR 2019)
Page 14
Rotating equipment will cause severe personal injury or
death to persons who come in contact. Do not perform any
service on or near the fans, motors, and drives, or inside
the unit without first ensuring that the fans and pump
motors are disconnected, locked out, and tagged out.
⋅ The top horizontal surface of the unit is not intended to
be used as a walking surface or working platform. If
access to the top of the unit is desired, the purchaser/
end-user is cautioned to use appropriate means complying
with OSHA or other applicable safety standards of
governmental authorities.
⋅ When the fan speed of the unit is to be changed from
the factory set speed, including changes achieved by the
use of a variable fan speed device, steps must be taken to
avoid operation at or near the fan’s “critical speed” which
could result in fan failure and possible personal injury or
damage. Contact your local Frick Representative regarding
any such applications.
⋅ The recirculating water system may contain chemicals
or biological contaminants, including Legionella, which
could be harmful if inhaled or ingested. Personnel exposed
directly to the discharge airstream and the associated
drift mists, generated during operation of the water
distribution system and/or fans, or mists produced by high
pressure water jets or compressed air (if used to clean
components of the recirculating water system), must
wear respiratory protection equipment approved for such
use by governmental occupational safety and health
⋅ A lockable disconnect switch should be located within
sight of the unit for each fan motor associated with this
equipment. Before performing any type of service of
inspection, make certain that all power has been
disconnected, and the switch is locked out in the “OFF”
⋅ The operation, maintenance, and repair of this
equipment shall be undertaken only by personnel
authorized and qualified to do so. All such personnel shall
be thoroughly familiar with the equipment, the associated
system and controls, and the procedures set forth in this
manual. Proper care, personal protective equipment,
procedures, and tools must be used in handling, lifting,
installing, operating, maintaining, and repairing this
equipment to prevent personal injury and/or property
⋅ This equipment should never be operated without all
fan screens, access panels, and access doors in place.
⋅ All electrical, mechanical, and rotating machinery are
potential hazards, particularly for those not familiar with
their design, construction, and operation. Accordingly,
use appropriate lockout procedures. Adequate safeguards
(including the use of protective enclosures where
necessary) should be taken with this equipment both to
safeguard the public from injury and to prevent damage to
the equipment, its associated system, and the premises.
⋅ Openings and/or submerged obstructions may exist in
the bottom of the cold water basin. Use caution when
walking inside this equipment.
⋅ Do not use the plastic drift eliminators as a walking,
working, or storage surface. Stepping on or placing
weight on an eliminator can result in physical injury and/
or equipment damage. After ensuring that the fan and
pump motors are locked and tagged out, lift and remove
eliminators as necessary to perform recommended
maintenance and inspections. If access to the top of the
coil is required, place a piece of plywood at least 1/2 inch
thick on top of the coil to protect the surface while
performing the recommended maintenance. When
finished, carefully remove the plywood and re-install any
eliminators which were removed.
⋅ Combined inlet shields can separate from the product
during high winds. Fasten combined inlet shields in place
using the retaining system.
⋅ Frick units are typically installed immediately after
shipment and many operate year round. However, if the
unit is to be stored for a prolonged period of time either
before or after installation, certain precautions should be
observed, as outlined in “Unit Operation and Storage” on
page 15.
⋅ Mechanical and operational methods must be employed
to protect these products against damage and/or reduced
effectiveness due to possible freeze-up. Please contact
your local Frick Representative for recommended
protection alternatives.
⋅ The basin heater is not designed to prevent icing during
unit operation.
⋅ The heater control panel temperature/low level control
can only be used with the supplied combination
temperature/liquid level sensor probe.
⋅ For the stand alone Frick heater control panel, do not
operate the system unattended or for extended periods of
time during test mode (resistor across terminals T1 and
T2). Operation in water temperatures above 45°F (7.2°C)
could damage the unit.
⋅ For heater control panels, do not operate the system
unattended or for extended periods of time with terminals
G1-G2 jumpered. A low liquid level condition could occur,
and the system will not shut off which could result in
damage to the heater and unit.