140.925-IOM (APR 2019)
Page 15
⋅ Check to ensure the controls for the fan motor are set
to allow a maximum of six on-off cycles per hour to
prevent motor overload.
⋅ With a switching frequency of 2.5 kHz, the line lead
length cannot exceed 100 feet. If the switching frequency
is higher that 2.5 kHz and/or the line lead length exceeds
100 feet, a dV/dT output filter is recommended to protect
the motor.
⋅ For fan motors controlled with VFDs, when reversing
the direction of fan rotation, allow the fan to come to a
complete stop before restarting the motor.
⋅ Only lubricate the bearings with one of the compatible
water resistant greases listed on page 26.
⋅ Do not use steam or high pressure water to clean PVC
eliminators or materials other than steel.
⋅ Spray system pressure greater than 10.0 psig may cause
damage to the distribution system.
⋅ Never use chloride or chlorine based solvents such as
bleach or muriatic (hydrochloric) acid to clean stainless
steel. It is important to rinse the surface with warm water
and wipe with a dry cloth after cleaning.
Considerations for Initial Start-Up
• For units with independent fan control [standard on units
with the Belt Drive Fan System], see page 22.
• For units with VFDs, see page 22.
• For units with vibration cutout switches, see page 20.
• If the unit is mounted on vibration isolators or isolation rails
(by others), refer to the vibration isolation manufacturer’s
guidelines before loading/unloading weight from the unit.
• Verify fans and the pump motor are disconnected, locked
out, and tagged out.
• The unit must be level in both the length and width
directions for proper operation.
• Drain the cold water basin with the strainer in place.
• Remove all dirt and debris from the fan guard(s) and
combined inlet shields.
• Inspect and clean all spray nozzles.
• Clean all of the mechanical components, such as the fan
and motor.
• Flush the cold water basin to remove any accumulated dirt
and debris.
• Remove, clean, and replace the basin strainer.
Rotating equipment will cause severe personal injury or
death to persons who come in contact. Do not perform any
service on or near the fans, motors, and drives, or inside
the unit without first ensuring that the fans and pump
motors are disconnected, locked out, and tagged out.
• Conduct external inspection of the equipment. Check for
leaks, corrosion, and any structural damage.
• Conduct internal inspection of the equipment. Check
for anything unusual such as structural or mechanical
component damage.
• Inspect piping and connections.
• Thoroughly inspect the fans for any mechanical or physical
• At seasonal start-up or after prolonged shutdown, check
the motor insulation with an insulation tester prior to the
motor start-up.
• Check and adjust the belt tension. Units equipped with the
EC Fan System use direct drive motors and do not require
belt tension.
• For Belt Drive Fan System units only, prior to seasonal
start-up, lubricate the motor base adjusting screw (see
Figure 22 on page 25) and the fan shaft bearings (see page
26). At initial start-up, no bearing lubrication is required
since the bearings are factory lubricated prior to shipment.
• For Belt Drive Fan System units only, apply RUST VETO®
to steel shafts.
• Fill the cold water basin with fresh water to the overflow
level via the make-up valve.
• Set the make-up valve float so the water shuts off at the
operating level (see Table 4 on page 24).
• Execute one of the following biocide treatment programs
while operating the circulating pump and prior to operating
the unit fans:
• Resume treatment with the biocide that was used prior
to shutdown. Operate the pump only while maintaining
the maximum recommended biocide residual for a
sufficient duration (residual and time will vary with
the biocide) as recommended by the water treatment
supplier. Start the fan only after this treatment period
is completed.
• Check the pH of the circulating water and, if necessary,
adjust it to 7.0 - 7.6 pH. Then, running the pump only,
treat the system with sodium hypochlorite to maintain
a level of 4 to 5 mg/l (ppm) free chlorine (as Cl2) over a
six hour period. Test kits for measuring the free residual
of chlorine are commercially available. Start the fan
only after this treatment period is completed.
• Start the unit pump and check for the proper rotation
indicated by the arrow on the pump cover.
• On installations where the unit pump was not furnished
by Frick, a globe valve should be installed in the pump
discharge line and the pump flow rate adjusted to the
correct water flow and pressure (2.25 psig at spray header
• Check that the float operated make-up valve is operating
freely. Closely monitor the water level and adjust as
necessary during the first 24 hours of operation.