Software Description
KT912F634UG User’s Guide Rev. 2.0 10/2013
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Archive Information
Archive Information
FreeMASTER with the KIT912F634EVME
Communication between the PC and the embedded application is via the BDM interface. There are several benefits offered by this
It is not necessary to add the FreeMASTER source files to the embedded application
No need to have on-board hardware circuitry for SCI communication over the RS232 interface
Uses MCU pins dedicated for SCI module to another purpose, or uses the SCI module in the application
(LIN communication).
Of course, there are also some negatives. It is necessary to have BDM multi-link connected all the time to the
board, and the data flow is slower compared to the UART communication. A constraint also occurs during run
or wake-up from low-power modes. Because activity of the BDM affects the core behavior during transition from
reset to normal mode, sometimes the device does not wake-up properly. For this reason, communication is
interrupted by the JavaScript function before the device is put to STOP or SLEEP mode. This feature is
emphasized in other places in this document. See sections dedicated to low power modes.
FreeMASTER Software on the PC
The MM912F634 EVM application uses only two of the FreeMASTER features - reading and writing a value to
the variables on the embedded side. The information on the variable addresses is listed in the binary file
Project.abs stored in the
directory. It is one of the files generated by CodeWarrior during compilation of the
embedded software project.
Graphical User Interface
Figure 7
is a screen shot of the FreeMASTER PC application, as seen by the user after the opening of the
file. It is the start page, where the user can choose an approach to the analog die
registers. The first possibility is “Die Direct Register Access”, and the second is “Analog Die Modules Access”.
Both control pages will be described in the following paragraphs.
Figure 7. FreeMASTER Start Page