FR150A Series Multifunctional Compact
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8. Illustration
1, No. 01 reads the output frequency value (U00.00), returned 5000, that 50.00Hz.
To send data:
01 03 30 00 00 01 8B 0A
The received data is:
01 03 02 13 88 B5 12
2, No. 01 Drive communication given frequency 30.00Hz, send the data content of 3000.
To send data:
01 06 20 01 0B B8 D4 88
The received data is:
01 06 20 01 0B B8 D4 88
3, communications sent on the 1st drive forward run command, write to the address 2000H 01
To send data:
01 06 20 00 00 01 43 CA
The received data is:
01 06 20 00 00 01 43 CA
4, No. 01 communications sent inverter deceleration stop command, the address to write to
2000H 05
To send data:
01 06 20 00 00 05 42 09
The received data is:
01 06 20 00 00 05 42 09