Viewing Inflections
Conjugations show inflections or
changes in a word’s gender, tense,
and form. When you see a
label, it means that the dictionary
includes extensive inflections of
nouns, verbs, modifiers and other
words. In this device, conjugations
are available in the Larousse
English-Spanish and Spanish
English Dictionaries and in the
Diccionario VOX de la lengua
española. Note: Bilingual
dictionaries may include translations
of each conjugated form.
1. Press .
2. Press or to
Diccionario VOX de la lengua
española and then press
3. Type tener and then press
The dictionary entry for “tener” is
4. Press .
If needed, use the navigation
button to highlight the part of
speech or translation you want
and then press ING/ENTER.
The principal forms of the Spanish
verb “tener” are displayed. The
root word is displayed at the top
of the screen.
5. Use the navigation button to
read the text.
6. Press
to see a menu of
available tenses.
7. Press or to
tense you want and then press
8. Press or to
the next or previous tense.
to return to the
overview. Press
to return
to the previous screen.
9. Press CLEAR when done.
For comparison, follow these same
steps to look up the conjugations of
“tener” in the Larousse Spanish-
English Dictionary. You see that
there are English translations
beneath each Spanish conjugation.
Viewing Inflections