In your BSI-1900, you can select
from a variety of reference material
that comes with your device. You
can look up English and Spanish
translations using the Larousse
English-Spanish and Spanish-
English Dictionaries, Spanish
definitions using the Diccionario
VOX de la lengua española, English
definitions and thesaurus entries
using the Merriam-Webster
Dictionary & Thesaurus, and
everyday and travel phrases in the
English and Spanish phrasebooks.
You can learn Spanish and English
grammar rules and topics. You can
study English words included in the
Test and Spanish Words
included in the SAT
Subject Test. If you are new to the
United States or just want to brush
up on a little United States history,
review civics questions in the Guide
to U.S. Naturalization.
1. Press .
The eBooks tab is displayed.
2. Press and to
highlight to Larousse English-
Spanish Dictionary and then
press INGRESAR to select it.
Note: This is the method to select
any book or file in any of the tabs.
Use the navigation button to scroll
through your list of files, and
press INGRESAR to open the
highlighted file.
Note: eNews is only available
through the Mobipocket Reader
for Franklin, made available
through the Franklin PC View™
function. For more information on
using your device on your PC,
please see “Using the Franklin PC
View™ Function” on page 88.
Selecting a Book
Help is Always at Hand
For additional assistance while
you use your device, a help
message is available at any
screen by pressing
. Use
the navigation button to read the
message. Press
to exit help.
This information is also available
by selecting Tutorial in the Library.
Selecting a Book