Thank you for purchasing an Omni Duo boiling water appliance.
This product has been designed and manufactured to the very
highest quality standards. Correctly installed and properly
maintained in accordance with the following instructions, it will
provide you with many years of reliable service.
This guide explains how to install a new Omni Duo Boiling Water
Do not attemPt to install tHis ProDUCt witHoUt
reFerenCe to tHis gUiDe. For tHe ProDUCt to
FUnCtion CorreCtly it mUst Be installeD striCtly
in aCCorDanCe witH tHese instrUCtions.
PartiCUlar attention mUst Be PaiD to ensUring
tHat tHe water PressUre, water Flow anD
eleCtriCal sUPPly are witHin tHe stateD
Parameters. tHe manUFaCtUrer reserVes tHe
rigHt to reCoVer any Costs inCUrreD as a
ConseQUenCe oF inCorreCt installation.
The Franke Omni System comprises 3 separately packaged
1. Franke Omni Duo tap - (Part Number: 119.0513.245)
2. Franke boiler - Model QHT-1 (Part Number: 119.0380.581)
3. Franke water filter complete with a Franke 08 filter cartridge.
(Part Number: 119.0380.582)
The Omni Tap System must be installed using only the 3
genuine items listed above. Substituting any of them with other
manufacturers’ alternatives or failing to install and maintain the
unit in strict accordance with these instructions will invalidate
your product warranty. Franke will not accept liability for damage
or accidents resulting from the use of non-genuine components,
incorrect installation or operation.
Study the diagrams, read this guide and plan the layout carefully
before proceeding.
This product is a boiling water device intended for domestic use
only. The water supply pressure must be between minimum 1.5
BAR (22 psi) maximum 5 BAR (73psi).
Please note:
This diagram is for
guidance only