Clicking the name of the MUX to program or the menu OUTPUT
MUX 1 / MUX 2 / MUX 3 / MUX 4 you can access the output MUX configuration
page modulated according to the DVB-T or DVB-C standards, and the relative parameters are shown as given in the following table.
Fig. 8
First of all specify the modulation standard to use (DVB-T o DVB-C). The mux output frequency can be specified directly as in MHZ, or the channel
to use can be specified according to the standard channelling foreseen in the various countries.
The output power can be set in dBuV, in the range foreseen by the technical specification or switch the MUX off by setting the level to OFF.
Below are certain parameters that depend on the modulation standard used. For DVB-T the following are specified:
FEC (1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8), guard interval (1/4,1/8,1/16,1/32), constellation (QPSK,16QAM and 64QAM), number of carriers (8K, 2K), spectrum
(normal or inverted). For DVB-C the following are specified:
Constellation (256QAM, 128QAM, 64QAM, 32QAM, 16QAM), symbol rate, spectrum (normal or inverted). The “Alarm overflow” box shows if a band
overflow has to be notified to the user by the led on the bottom or not.
NB: Click on save for the changes to become effective.
From the menu PROGRAMS
MUX 1 / MUX 2 / MUX 3 / MUX 4 you can access the output program configuration page.
Fig. 9